Frequently Asked Questions

  • How expensive is the Geotrucks tracking service?

    We are actually quite competitively priced, offering packages and prices within everyone's reach, whether for private use or for full fleet management.

  • Is the GPS installation in my vehicle visible?

    No, the installation of a fixed device is 100% hidden and difficult to access. Normally this type of installation is carried out by an expert to get the best performance from the equipment.
    Mobile devices include a magnetic box that is placed discreetly and strategically by one of our installers.

  • Should my employees know that they are being tracked?

    It is optional, each company decides how convenient it is to inform its employees that a GPS is monitoring their unit.

  • How do I locate my units?

    Our system allows you to locate your unit in real time with updates at specific intervals.
    You can see the position of the unit with the icon that identifies it on the map screen. It also includes information that relates to the status of the unit, including address information.

  • How will I know if my unit is off-route or has arrived at its destination?

    The system allows you to send notifications both in the application and by email (for which you will need to register an email address for this purpose) and to set up geofences and apply them to one or all units, depending on the client's needs.

  • Can I view my units from any computer or mobile device?

    Yes, you can do it from any computer with a modern browser, as long as you have an Internet connection.